For 2021, I was elected by my sisters of Kappa Kappa Gamma as the Public Relations chair for our chapter. In their nomination, they said I would be a good fit because of my creativity and eye for design. The position consists of running the chapter's Instagram page, something that became crucial during a COVID world as this was our outward facing image to potential new members. I have enjoyed the position and making graphics for our chapter. It has also been fun to decide what to post so that we have a visually appealing Instagram feed.
Scroll through to see some graphics I have made during my time as PR chair.
This first set of images are from an Instagram countdown to recruitment.
Countdown to recruitment
Countdown to recruitment

Screen recording of Instagram feed I have worked on since elected.

Below are various miscellaneous graphics I have made such as a cover page for a career highlight, recruitment stories, a holiday card, a flyer for a fundraiser and a sample birthday post.

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